SIM OPS releases ICAO doc 9625 Calculator app, available to download from the link below. ICAO 9625 Edition 4 Vol I describes FSTD features and fidelity levels required for any given fixed wing aircraft pilot training task to be trained, tested or checked in a flight simulator training device. This app enables the user to quickly determine the FSTD Capability Signature (FCS) features and fidelity levels for any given training task (and vice versa) without having to navigate through pages of ICAO 9625 documentation.
Product Overview
The app provides a quick and easy way to understand the document’s philosophy & application to avoid having to wade through all 600+ pages of ICAO doc 9625 Vol I or II every time.
Using the mobile App it is possible to firstly select the training tasks you want your new simulator to be able to be potentially accredited for and the app will detail the applicable FSTD features and the required fidelity levels as per ICAO 9625 4th edition that make up what is now referred to as the FSTD Capability Signature (FCS). Alternatively you may want to determine the FCS for your existing FSTD, what training it is therefore capable of being accredited for and what updates or upgrades you might need to enhance its existing FCS and achieve more training capability. Read more about the app on our blog or download the manual.
SIM OPS can also provide in person or remote consultation or training programs on the intricacies and philosophies of ICAO 9625. This is to enable operators to optimally utilize existing devices; and training device manufacturers to align product lines with specific training capabilities. Contact us at info@sim-ops.com for more information.